Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Packet Tracer Routing Table Corruption

In this packet tracer i was able to get a basic idea no how ISP make proper use of static routes in order to get proper communication with proper other devices and vice versa. I stated the lab with all interfaces off and an empty routing table . I quickly configured all the necessary interfaces, resulting in the directly connected routes being added into the routing table. From there i wen t and added the RIP protocol into all the routers with the network command. All the routers would be inputed with the same address since it is from  from the same subnetted network. from there all that was left to do was just connect R3 to R4 with a copper cross over connection. With this everything would ping successfully.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Packet Tracer Configure RIPv2

In this packet tracer i was able to finally apply RIPv2. It is as you may already know a enhanced version of RIP that carries the subnet masks in its routing updates for routers. However we still need to configure in order to stop it fro sending updates for discontiguous subnets. Since that is its default function i had to use the no auto-summary command in order to stop it from automatically summarizing routes. To start off the lab i first analyze the protocols being used for the router, and notice that RIP is being used. AS a result, i quickly change to RIPv2 for all three routers. After that i would then used the clear ip route *  in order for the router to reconstruct its routing table in order for it to properly implement RIPv2. As soon as that was done all that was left was to stop the current newly placed routing protocol from sending automatic updates to the improper places. A mentioned before i would just use the no auto-summary and    resulting in a properly functioning RIPv2.

Friday, May 4, 2012

PAcket Tracer Verify Non-Convergence Using Commands

In this lab all that needed to be done was to analyze the topology. some of the pings were not successful because of packets being sent the wrong way. This was seen using the show ip route in the routing table of R2 as instructed. There were two equal cost paths for the network 172.30.0/16. As a result, they are sent the wrong way. Another reason why pings from R1 fail is because of a network address that wasn't in R1 which was After that i entered simulation mode to seethe where the packets go through. Following that i then went into the Event List filters in order to change the setting in order to se only the RIP events associated with the topology. What i was able to examine is that updates going to router R3 fail because of the network address that wasn't added to the routing table of R1.

Packet Tracer Configuring Discontiguous Routes

In this packet tracer i was able to configure discontiguous routers using RIPv1. it was pretty straight forward. I went into all three routers and used router rip in order for configuring. For router R1 one thing that needed to be done was to combine to networks into one statement in order to enter it into rip. From there i used the passive-interface command in order to stop any updates from going to the networks that didn't have any routers. The same steps were done for the other two routers. After that all the needed to be done was to save the configurations so that it wouldn't be deleted if the entire topology were to be shutdown. To make sure all of my addresses were added i used the show ip route to see the rip configurations added to the routing table.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Basic Router Config 4/4/12

In this picture you can see the basic topology if the network. Most of the configuring came from ACME and WarnerB. In  total you can see 6PCs, 3 switches, 1 server and 2 routers.

Here you can see the physical port view of the ACME router. There is one WIC-2T inserted in the first port. From there i out covers on everything else in order to not make the mistake in adding unnecessary modules. 
This is the physical port view of the WarnerB router in which much like the first there is only one module which is WIC-2T and the rest have covers on them. After that you would turn the ports on and thats it for the physical view.

this is the show run for the WArner B router and it shows the line vty 0 4 passwords and banner.

This the show run for ACME for banner and passwords

this is the encrypted passwords for the WArner B

THis for ACME encrypted password

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Packet Tracer Packet Tracer skills integration challenge

For this packet tracer it was very demanding. i had to apply a good amount of skills that i got from the CCNA 1. the first thing that needed to be done was to make an addressing scheme. i had to scan through old notes in order to do this but after that it wasn't that difficult. After i came up with an addressing scheme i started with adding a custom made device named 2621XM Router which is where most of the configuring would take place. i started with some basic configurations using enable password cisco and enable secret class for the encryption and password. From there i went into R1 and i used the first four serial interfaces that would correspond with the interfaces of the custom router as instructed. From there i would move on to doing some more configurations that include adding the addresses i was able to come up with from the 4 subnets. Basically after the addresses i would then set the clock rate for the all the four serial interfaces accompanied with the no shutdown command. After that i moved on to configuring the branches. Similar steps R1 like the clock rate being set to 64000, but that is the only similarity. All four of the LANs made use the same fast ethernet interfaces corresponding of course to one branch since all of them would have different ip addresses. As a result, the next necessary step after that was to do some simple physical connections in the logical works pace which was straightforward. The final part was to finally add the static routes and default routes in order to finally make the topology complete. After that the final part was to test the connectivity using the ping command in order to test connectivity, which was successful.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Packet Tracer Routing Loops

In this lab i was able to troubleshoot a routing loop. it wasn't that difficult of an assignment because the only problem was that the interfaces were configured wrong. All that needed to be done was use no ip route s0/1 because that was meant for router Branch 2. then i would use  ip route s0/0 to branch 1. D=First i would have to enable an used the config command in order to do there configurations. As a result, i redid the ping that was asked of before and the ping was successful. the reason why was because it was there was no longer a loop on the packets since a proper configuration was added to the routing table.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lab Convergence

In this packet tracer lab i was able to to add a new LAN that included a switch and PC. From there i had to configure addresses and routes in order to learn more about the debugging output and network converging. the first thing that i did was to analyze the routing table for all of the routers in order to see which of them were associated with the RIP protocol. From there i added the new LAN that included a 2960 switch and host to Router 3. From there i used the certain commands in order to configure the routers with the proper addresses and subnet mask. From there i went to the desktop of the new PC in order to do more ip configurations and add a default route. After that i used the  show ip route command in order to check if the routes i configured were added to the routing table. Although it was configured the route had not been added because the no shutdown command was not used in order to turn the route on.  From there all that was left to do was use the debug ip rip for router R2 and R3 in order for the networks to be added to the routing table. from there i turn off the debugging ip rip with the command no debug ip rip because there are risks associated with the use of the debug command that include it using a lot of memory and other things. From there i was able to get 100% completion.

Lab Characteristics of IGP and EGP routing protcols

In this packet tracer i was able to learn a little about a autonomous system and some new commands. to start off i did the show ip protocol in order to look up the protocols being used for the router selected. this information on gateways, routing for the network and interfaces. their are some similarities with the show ip route in where they show me the routing table and the type of connections and which interface they are connected to. i started with configuring R1 in the autonomous system with ip route s0/0/0. this would be classified as the default route that would use the exit interface. that same thing would go for router R2 and R3. From there i would check the routing table for all the routers in order to see if the default routes were added successfully. since the ping from PC1 to ISP failed because of the host being un reachable i would also have to make a static route.  from there i would configure a static route for all of the internal networks apart of AS1. From there i would then ping once again to see if connectivity would be successful. it turning out successful meant that the static routes and default routes were all configured correctly.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Lab configure ethernet interfaces for IP on Hosts and Routers

In this lab i was able to do multiple configurations on a bunch of devices that include PCs, ethernet interfaces etc. for starters i configured the addresses on all three PCSs including the subnet mask, and the default gateway. form there i used the show ip interface brief in order to check the status of the fast ethernet interfaces. form there i moved on to checking the connectivity of the hosts and routers by using the show show arp in order to map the IP address to am MAC address on the router. from there i was able to used the ping and completely 100%.

Lab build the chapter topology

in this lab i was able to build a topology from scratch which was good practice on how to do everything. as a result, i was able to understand what to connect to what in terms of the copper cable an ethernet. however i was told to connect ports that were told to me by the steps. so i didn't really have to use the ports they gave me, but to understand what they were trying to tell me. i was also able to configure the routers through the table they gave me in order for the network to successfully work and turn on the ports status. i was able to learn what specific wiring that had to be used in order for the 1841  routers to work correctly. most of the ports that i used were pretty easy to figure out once you got the first one up and running since they all followed a logical pattern.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Packet Tracer Determining the best using routing tables.

In this lab it had started with already 100% complete. All that it gave were some questions from me to answer. from those question i was given all the answers just by exploring the network that included looking for the routing protocol, best metric, and the best path which would be FastEthernet0/0 since it was the only one configured, henceforth the best path. i feel that i really didn't learn that much from this lab since must of the things i already have done in the previous labs. i probably would have learned more from actually troubleshooting the network problems and finding answers my own way. Since this network was bigger then the others i previously had to work on having to troubleshoot it would have been a lot more worth it then just answering questions.

Packet Tracer Routing Table Principles

in this packet tracer i was able to learn about the routing table and more things about it. i start with a ping from the desktop of PC3 which results in it being in it being unsuccessful. so i troubleshoot this problem further by going into the CLI to configure an address. once i configure i try the ping again only for it to fail because of the request timing out. so i know had to look for another way of fixing the routing issue in R3. so what i did was by viewing the ping from PC1 to PC3 in simulation mode i could see the problem from a different perspective. so i filter the traffic so that only the ICMP packets is shown. i then add a simple PDU and click on PC1. this will recognize PC1 as the source of traffic, and then press PC3 as the destination host. this completely trouble shoots the problem that was associated with the ping and traveling of the packet.

Lab Dynamic Routing

in this lab it focused on static rouing. the difference between Static and Dynamic is that in static routing you would have to entering the addresses manually in the routing table through the CLI. In Dynamic routing is a change that happens automatically in the network topology as if it adapts. in this lab i went to the CLI in order to configure the the router by using a new command router RIP. after i configure RIP in router R2, R3, R4 i would then analyze the routing table on each of the routers. as i press R1 to show ip route i notice that router shows directly connected routes along with static and dynamic routes. from there i would move to ping from R3 to PC1 only for it to be successful. all in all i then configure a static route in R2 since a static route doesn't adapt to changes in the network like a dynamic route. fom ther i ping once again but instead with R3 to PC1 and reach 100% completion.

Packet Tracer 1.3.3 Static Routing

In this packet tracer lab what i was able to learn about static routing. First i was told to enter the CLI  for R3 and configure terminal in order to add the static route. i enabled the router and added the command ip route with this i was able to see the addresses with the show ip route  command. AFter that i would then have to ping R1 to reach R#. For task 2 i would enter a static route on R1 in order to reach R3. to do this i would move on to configuring R1 with similar commands as R3. Although the only difference would obviously be the command ip route FastEthernet 0/1. From there i would similarly repeat a similar process on the remaining router to reach R1's LAN. After doing another ping but for R3 to PC1 the ping is successful. After that i reached 100% completion. i was able to learn about static routes and their importance to the network.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Packet Tracer Directly Connected Networks

In this lab i was able to constantly add more from what i done before and improve my troubleshooting skills. in this lab i had to configure to routers R1 and R2. in this lab it shows the importance of having a routing table. without one packets wouldn't know where to go and as result, the packets will never arrive. i had to configure the ports Fa 0/0 and S0/0/0. since i had all the commands needed to do this task it was practically a breeze in entering it in the CLI. From there i was able to get green lights for all of the devices and resulting in completing this lab. After that all i did was use ping to see if the connectivity was functioning properly.

Packet Tracer 1.2.2 Configuring and Verifying R1

From this lab i had to out into action previous commands in order for me to complete the lab. To start if off i had to configure R1 using the CLI instead of the config tab. This was a bit more difficult since everything had to be done manually instead of just entering IP addresses and everything else is done automatically. i started of  with having to enter passwords in order to start configuration on the Serial0/0/0 and Fa0/0 ports. After successfully entering the corresponding addresses with the routing table given to me i was able to get the green light for the switch and router. However for the other side i had to to config the serial port in order for a complete connection to be done. The command that i had to use for the enabling for the secret passwords i used the vty command for this set up. After that i had a complete lab with new skills and tactics for more difficult configurations.

Packet Tracer Connecting and Identifying Devices

In this packet tracer lab some of the things required where to configure the devices in the logical workspace  that included two PCs, 2 Routers and one switch. The first thing that i had to do was connect the corresponding ports of all the devices in the workspace. After that i gave all the devices new names which required little effort. the trickier part was using the "place note" feature to assign the network numbers for the devices. After that all that was left to do was put in the correct addresses for all the devices according to the routing table given. As a result, i was able to apply skills that i learned from previous labs and make everything run much more quickly and successfully.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Packet Tracer

In this packet tracer it was a lot more demanding then the previous labs. This time around all the tabs ion the new router i put in the logical workspace. i first started off with having to to out in a 1841 router in the workspace. Following that i quickly started configuring it starting with adding WIC-2T module to the open slot in the router and turning it on. I then had to add a copper straight through wire as the connection between the new router and the switch. i then added an assigned IP address. then had to add passwords by using the cli command line since the config tab cannot do this part. i press the exit an then enable secret class in order to set an encrypted password. the password would be cisco and then redo some of the previous steps to see if the password is set. After completely verifying the information i can see that all the green lights are clear and present in all the machines and check results to see the 100% completion.

Packet Tracer 1.1.5 Cabling Devices

In this lab was able to to connect devices cabling wise. All the devices in the had no connections so i was able to connect all of them with virtually no effort since it was a step by step process. the objectives were obviously to connect the devices and verify the connections. Some of the were connected without having to choose the port, but that was only the beginning. After that i had to choose a specific port for all of the remaining devices so that they would work properly. After connecting PC1 to the first port on Hub H1 i then connected H1 to to the FastEthernet0/0 on router R2. this was practically how i had to connect the other router and the other computer. Not including the details all that was left to do was assign the right port to the corresponding cable. As soon as i saw all the link lights green i knew i had to be done so i checked results and was complete.

Packet Tracer 1.1.4

In this lab of packet tracer i was given a routing table unlike the previous packet tracer. Here i was ale to troubleshoot a router. So i pressed the router and entered the cli for proper configuring. I started with entering the name of the router and entering a bunch of passwords to enable further access. i was then asked to enter a IP address which was i was then given a subnet mask of which went based on the address i entered. i then analyzed the results and i noticed everything was running the way it is supposed to be based on the green lights each side of the machine. the way in which i was able to "Examine the results of using setup" was by entering exec mode and entering the enable command. after entering the enable secret command i could see the new configuration by entering yet another command which would be show running-config. this would be 100% completion for this packet tracer.

Packet Tracer 1.1.1

In this introduction packet tracer for chapter 1 it gave me a complex server with a bunch of computers, switches, routers etc. I noticed that they did not have a routing table and the activity just told me to analyze everything and get a basic understanding of how things are connected. i than opened the simulation to see how the packets move around and noticed that a lot of the packets show a "x" at the bottom right of the packet. my hypothetical explanation about this is that since there is no routing table the packet most likely doesn't know where to go. As a result, the packet will most likely never get to where its supposed to go until proper addressing and configurations are made.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Stage 2 Forwarding Packets

in stage what i think will happen is similar to some of the things that were done for stage 1. Basically me and my group will pass it around to the correct students that meet the criteria. what is says for the steps are pretty self explanatory. Although for step six i am a little curious about. is says that "ST6 forwards it to the hypothetical destination, which is router 2". the last time a checked the word  hypothetical usually refers to the best route in my opinion (could be wrong). so far today no one in the group has been assigned as the router for this activity, but i guess we shall see tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lab 1.3.2 packet tracer

What was done in this lab was practically configuring routers. This lab focused on how the routing table is built and how it works. the way in which a router builds a routing table is by adding the networks for the IP addresses configures on each of the interfaces that are online for that router. i also used the CLI and typed in commands to configure the routing tables. it was straight foward and most of the steps just needed to be repeated for the other router. After that all; that needed to be done was to check the connectivity using the ping.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Web Seminar Essay

Carlos Dominguez is a Senior Vice President at Cisco. He is also a motivational speaker who show his audiences on how technology is changing the world in terms of how we communicate, and more importantly how we work. From listening to his Web Seminar i personally feel more motivated in learning more about technology and pursuing a career in the fields of technology. He explained very thoroughly, even to the extent where he put it into three main ideas. I also was able to see how quickly the world is changing in terms of technology. Giving me a detailed explanation of how advanced we are becoming to the point where we just keep growing and advancing farther.

According to Carlos Dominguez the way in which you become a change agent is by embracing the changes that occur in your life. I think what he means by that is to learn and adapt to what is happening around you. Technology is changing rapidly and we should adapt to that idea. The more that we know about the changes that are happening around us the better understanding we get of what is happening around us. Having the right technology accompanied with the right culture you get a winning company. It doesn't pay off just to have good technology to be successful. If you lack the motivation and dedication then the technology is practically useless. How do you think all this great technology was able to advance so far in only a few decades. It is because people came out with new ideas with the technology they already had, and made it better. Examples of this are everywhere. Originally the first of computers were huge and took so much time just to process simple messages. As time passed people made it smaller, faster, and efficient. This better technology made communication so much better, and the spreading of ideas so much easier.That is what is meant by technology and the right culture making winning companies.

The Web Seminar had three main ideas that it was trying to teach us. One is how quickly things are changing. Social networks such as facebook have skyrocketed in terms of users. In 7 years it went from 0 to 750 million users. That shows how many people are know almost interconnected with each other. Not just facebook but even twitter. These sites are the reason some dictators in the middle east have fallen. People would get together through facebook and spread the word. This has been very common these past years. the second idea is power of the people. As groups we have shown that we can do anything. As i stated before the overthrowing of dictators in the middle east is evidence of that power. The information we put on the internet is for us to control and manipulate. Third idea is that everything is going to be connected. Meaning that everything around us including where we live, refrigerators, desks, kitchen counters, etc. A really awesome commercial was shown where an example of how everything would look like if it where interconnected. There screens everywhere from the kitchen counter, mirror in the bathroom etc. the person was literally texting to someone on the mirror of the bathroom which is incredible. The idea of a house of the future being like that really motivated me to dedicate myself to make a difference in the field of technology.

What impacted me the most about this Web Seminar was the idea of how everything will soon be interconnected. That part of the Seminar is what really impacted me to dedicate myself to learning all i can about technology. I really want to be apart of that future idea and build into it if i can. I think that i could possibly follow into Carlos's footsteps in terms of making technology impact our lives much more then it already has. To the point where we literally can't live without technology. i believe that technology is priceless in terms of how much it benefits us in communication, work load, etc. Technology really impacts our lives greatly since we use almost all the time.

To summarize this the three main points given to me by this seminar have really opened my eyes on how beneficial and attached technology is in our lives. i knew before hand the importance of technology but this has shown much more. The idea of how quick things are changing, power of the people, and everything being interconnected, has really motivated me to continue learning about networking. Carlos Rodriguez is someone i would like to follow, in terms of his ideas, and hi views toward technology. Hopefully this motivation has spread to other people since more people would be more beneficial to succeed in the future. Just like Carlos's
main idea of power of the people. In groups we can do everything.

Chapter 8 Case Study

What's the name of this kind of interference?

The name of this interference is called external interference.

Explain why it can slow down the network traffic?

It can slow down the network traffic because the cables is where all data are being sent through. With the extra cables added behind the walls the signaling interferes with the cables of the ACME server and switch. This interference or "noise" is the source of the external interference.

Would the result of the tests be any different if the networking cabling was running next to a just installed small alarm clock instead of an A/C unit? Why?

I think that installing a small alarm clock would most likely result in better results because compared to the A/C unit it takes more power and wiring. The alarm clock has its benefits over the A/C, like less interference since and as a result better flow in the network.