Tuesday, October 4, 2011

P2P, and Client/Server Network Models

One of the pros of a Peer to Peer network is that it is that you have is that the client provides resources including bandwidth, storage space etc. When more nodes(connection point)  star to pour in and demand increases the total capacity in other words the scalability. Since p2p is decentralized it increases the robustness and removes the so called "single point of failure". One big disadvantage of p2p is unsecure codes open the opportunity of remote access to files on a persons computer and can screw up the entire network.

The client/server network has a bunch of advantages in its favor. One of the best include centralization. Things like resources, data security, and important business information is all in and controlled by the server. There is also great scalability and flexibility. network elements can be upgraded when needed and any new technology that comes out can be easily added in. All the components for example the client, network, servers etc. all work together. Even though there is a lot of advantages there are still disadvantages. Like if the server goes down all the operations cease and are haulted until fixed. There are also things like network congestion which means that sometimes a link carries a lot of data and depending on the quality of service some problems include packet loss and blocking of other connections.

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